Gabions and stone baskets for home and garden
Give your garden a unique ambience . Each stone basket is an extraordinary eye-catcher, a unique piece. With a stylishly designed outdoor area, you show taste and feel comfortable and secure. GABIONA offers you the perfect combination of functionality and modern design elements .
At we offer you a wide selection of stone gabions . With the perfectly coordinated wire constructions you can design fences, flower columns or garden furniture according to your personal taste. If you wish, we can also create your new gabions to your desired size .
We offer a suitable, large selection of stones
With us you will find the complete solution for your garden construction project : In addition to the stone baskets, you can order the perfect natural stones to fill the gabions from us. We will suggest stones in the right size and appropriate quantity for your gabion . Which filling stone suits you best? Simply make your personal choice. Delivery is made by a forwarding agent in big bags on a pallet. The forwarding agent will of course contact you to coordinate the delivery with you.
More than 100,000+ satisfied customers
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frequently asked Questions
Any further questions?
Our customer service is available every day from Monday to Friday .
How can I determine the stone requirements of my Gabion?
On average, around 1.65 tons of stones are required for one cubic meter of gabions - depending on how carefully they are distributed. In addition, the value depends on the stone density and the gaps, so we cannot accept any liability for the calculated quantity.
Which stone size is suitable for my gabion?
The stone size depends on the mesh size and the depth of the basket. The mesh size of 5 x 5 cm is ideal for stones with a grain size of 32-56 mm. Stones for the 5 x 10 cm mesh should have a minimum grain size of 45-125 mm and for the large mesh size of 10 x 10 cm they should be at least 80-120 mm in size. Only small-grain stones are suitable for raised beds or gabions with a depth of 10 cm. The smaller the stone, the easier it is to achieve an even filling result.
What preparatory work is necessary before construction?
Due to the high weight of the filled gabions, the subsoil must be able to bear the load. Compacting the subsoil is therefore a good idea. However, you do not need to lay a complete foundation. The stone baskets are aligned horizontally. The anti-tilt device should be concreted in before the gabions are erected. Our recommendation: simply lay a garden fleece under the gabion so that no grass can grow into the stone basket.
How are gabions filled correctly?
After hanging the spacers, first place pieces of wood over them to protect them from stones falling down. You can pull the wooden poles out again as soon as a layer of stones is on them. Then place large stones into the baskets by hand. Place them as close together as possible and with the flat side facing the viewing surface. If the stones have a smaller grain size, you can pour them into the gabion. Simply use a bucket or a KG pipe for this. The stones are immediately in the desired place. The grids are also protected from mechanical stress.
Which gabions should I use for my project?
If you have a larger project planned, our customer service is always available and will create a tailor-made offer within the shortest possible time. Simply write us an email or use the contact form to send us your details.
Application instructions, design ideas with gabions and much more
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